January 12, 2021
Live Like A Believer
God has given us a new nature once we have received His gift of salvation. It should be our desire to live for Him, tell others about Him, and glorify Him in our life. It's sad yet true that so many Christians have rejected Him, maybe not verbally, but in their actions. The only good in us is the good that Jesus brings into our lives because He lives in us. The more we start to push Him out of our lives, the more miserable, lonely, dark, stressful, and empty our lives will be. We may not have lived for Jesus like we would want to, and that can change today. Don't live in past failure, but instead purpose today to live like a believer of Jesus Christ. Remember, people took note that Peter and John had been with Jesus because of their actions (Acts 4:13). Do your coworkers, family, and friends know that you are a Christian because of how you live? This year, more than ever, we need to live like a believer which means we will be different from those around us. Our speech should not be the same as our coworkers, our temperament should not be filled with anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness, and our actions should always be to glorify God. Now more than ever, we need to daily be in His Word, spending quality time in prayer with Him, attending church, telling others about Him, and setting an example to others around us. As this verse states, in all that we do, it should be done to glorify God because seeds will be sown to those who watch us, which can then be used to draw them to Christ. Live like a believer today!

Daily Bible Reading
Genesis 29-30 & Matthew 10:1-23
Key Verse
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Colossians 3:23 (KJV)
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