January 18, 2021
Living By Faith
When the Bible says we walk by faith, it goes against our human nature because we tend to see something before we believe it. Thomas is an excellent example of this because he stated, after the disciples saw the risen Savior, that he would not believe until he saw Jesus himself and touched Him. Humanly speaking, it might be difficult for some to believe in a God that cannot be seen, have faith in Him to help us, cast burdens upon Him, and seek Him for wisdom and guidance, but that's why we need to have faith. The faith we have in God is not blind faith hoping God does what He says, but it's a faith that we can know and trust Him, it's a faith to ask Him to give us direction and wisdom in all aspects of life, and it's a faith that we can have in Him because He is faithful to us. He never lets us down and is always there for us. To walk by faith is trusting God with our lives because we cannot see our future, but He does, and He can help direct and guide us toward the future He has in store for us. Today, let God guide you as you seek Him daily for direction in your life and for wisdom and discernment that you daily need.

Daily Bible Reading
Genesis 42-43 & Matthew 13:33-58
Key Verse
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)
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