July 1, 2020
The Eyes of God
God is everywhere and sees everything. This is such a comfort as a child of God, knowing that He is always watching over us. He is always looking out for us, which is why it’s important to follow His lead; however, this is also a sobering thought in a sense that because God sees everything, He knows things about us that others may not know. God sees the evil and wickedness of man. As Solomon writes this verse, He knows from experience that God sees the good and evil that we do. Eventually, what is done in the dark will be made known in the light. As we live our life from day to day, let’s remember that God sees everything we do, and everything we do should be pleasing to Him.

Daily Bible Reading
Job 23-25 & Acts 10:24-48
Key Verse
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Proverbs 15:3 (KJV)
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