December 10, 2020
The Gift of Love
Many people during this time are buying and wrapping gifts to give to loved ones. Christmas time is known for the season of giving, but let's not forget about the One who gave it all for us. God loves us with unconditional love, and He proved it when He gave us His Son so that we may have life. We did nothing to deserve His love, but we all gladly receive it. It was once best said, "You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving." We all have been done wrong by people, and it's so easy to hold grudges, bitterness, and resentment toward that person to where we don't talk to them and, unfortunately, sometimes stop loving them, but how many times have we done wrong against God yet His love for us never changes or wavers toward us? Jesus says in these verses that His commandment is that we love one another as God has loved us. No matter what the person has done to us, we should be quick to forgive and love even though it will not be easy. Sometimes, those we love may not love us back, but remember that, unfortunately, there are those who don't love Jesus back even though He has done so much for them. Don't just take the gift of love from God, but rather give Him love back as you love those around you with His unconditional love.

Daily Bible Reading
Hosea 9-11 & Revelation 2
Key Verse
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:12-13 (KJV)
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